BUILD Magazine – Best Design/Build Contractor 2019
Hendriks Construction Awarded Best Design/Build Contractor 2019 – Edmonton & Best Religious Facility Renovation Project (Alberta) for their outstanding work on St.Vital Church in Beaumont.
Hendriks to Renovate the Bissel Centre
Bissell renovates drop-in centre to give clients a better hand up Edmonton’s Bissell Centre is starting renos to its downtown facility. The upgraded space — to be finished for February — is designed to help more people connect with resources needed to build a stable life. “In 2014, we did a survey with our participants […]
Thank You to the Canadian Mental Health Association
Thank You to the Canadian Mental Health Association for having us out to their annual golf tournament. We are proud to stand behind CMHA and all they do for Mental Health. Here we’re sharing a letter we received. Dear Hendriks Construction, The 2016 Mental Health Classic presented by Volvo of Edmonton raised funds to help […]